Are you looking to create a plan to optimize your present health and wellness, but aren’t quite sure where to start? With you in the lead, I’ll partner with you to create a plan that prioritizes your specific goals! Start where you are today and plan to feel better for tomorrow and your future!

Registered Nurse and
Board Certified Nurse Coach

Hi! I’m Angie Maguire

What is a Nurse Coach?

Nurse coaching is a skilled, purposeful, relational, and person-centered interaction between a healthcare consumer that is provided by a BSN or APN Registered Nurse for structured, outcome oriented results.

The purpose of nurse coaching is to promote achievement of client’s goals.
The client is the expert in their own care.

American Nurses Association, The Art and Science of Nurse Coaching, 2021.
Nurse Coaching Through a Nursing Lens: The Theory of Integrative Nurse Coaching 

I Provide

  • Individualized Coaching for Women in Midlife, Postpartum Women and Nurses

  • Menopause Group Education Series

  • The Nurse Club: Health and Wellness Activities for Nurses

  • Empathy

  • Partnership

  • Accountability

  • Movement

  • advocacy icon


Individualized Coaching

Menopause Education: Awareness & Empowerment

Feeling confused about Menopause? Do you want to take a deep dive into learning more about your changing body as you age and enter Midlife?

This 3 part series aims to educate, inspire and empower you in midlife. The years in perimenopause and menopause come with many challenges to our health and wellness that can be addressed head on. We are passionate about heightening your awareness and embracing your power in Midlife.

Join us in-person to connect and learn through education and engaging discussions.

Classes led by Angie Maguire BSN, RN & Susan Klinger MS, PT

1011 Lake Street, Suite 218, Oak Park, IL 60301

Maximum 8 (minimum of 3) women in each group. Series fee $75

The Nurse Club

The Nurse Club is a vibrant community dedicated to supporting and empowering nurses throughout all stages of their career. Activities are planned around all aspects of health and wellness.

Nurses caring for nurses!


Ready to get moving?
Can’t wait!

Please fill out the form to begin your journey towards optimizing your health and wellness. Whether you're seeking individualized sessions to enhance your career in nursing or resolve the effects of burnout, or to navigate the postpartum or the menopausal transition, please provide me with your details!

Also, if you are exploring activites within the Nurse Club, or want to be a part of the Menopause Education group classes, complete and I will be a partner of yours every step of the way.

Check us out on Instagram!